Canstruction 2017 Best Meal/Friend of the Food Bank Award by Bridget Reed

For the second year in a row, Wessling Architects received the Best Meal/Friend of the Food Bank Award. We donated 4,100 food items

The Annual Canstruction Boston charity event is one where various architecture, engineering, and construction firms in the Greater Boston area compete in building sculptures made entirely of canned goods. These canned good sculptures were built in mid-October and were up for display at the BSA Space within Atlantic Wharf through the end of October. After the sculptures are dismantled, all the canned goods were donated to the Merrimack Valley Food Bank. 

The theme was fairy tales, folklore, and mythical creatures. Led by team captain Laura Whitcomb, Wessling Architects recreated a page from Dr. Seuss's the Lorax using 4,100 cans.